Saturday, 28 September 2013

HOW TO QUIT SMOKING: Nicotine therapy

There are several methods that can be used to assist smokers to quit the habit

Nicotine replacement therapy offers alternative means of getting Nicotine into the body whilst avoiding the act of smoking (Maisto et al, 2011). This program offers the possibility of providing an individual’s body which is used to smoking with a source of nicotine in order to avoid getting it from Tobacco. The rationale behind this method is that it is easier to introduce the body to lesser and lesser amount of Nicotine in a progressive program than to completely cease cigarette smoking at once. Nicotine replacement therapy incorporates; Nicotine patches, ingestable tablets, chewing gum, lozenges and inhalable sprays. NRT helps to avoid the withdrawal symptoms that are associated with the cessation of smoking. Nicotine is still received by the body but as the program progresses, a step-down procedure is used to gradually reduce the amounts of Nicotine introduced into the blood stream. The trick here is first to avoid cigarettes then to slowly reduce the amounts of Nicotine given so as to avoid the adverse effect that withdrawal symptoms can have on someone who is trying to quit smoking. It is important to note that the Nicotine replacement is not the magic solution to stopping smoking but it is just an aid that helps addicts who have made a decision to quit and start a smoking cessation program (Maisto et al, 2011). NRT is the best program for addicts who are aiming to quit smoking because it offers a realistic approach by appreciating that self-will to stop is hard. This program therefore offers an option of continued provision of Nicotine in the blood temporary as the body slowly adapts to lower amounts of nicotine intake and finally to zero smoking.
1.Nicotine Gum (available in drug stores) is one of the replacement products that is used in the therapy. The gum contains some amount of Nicotine that is used as a source of the drug instead of smoking Tobacco (Brannon, 2010). The gum is not sold as a prescription drug and can be found both in drug stores or general retail stores. Smokers can chew from ten to thirty pieces of gum in a day to avoid the craving for cigarettes. The resultant effect then is that an individual will be able to refrain from smoking without feeling major withdrawal symptoms which is usually the major cause of relapse. The nicotine released is absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth and therefore swallowing the gum will not help because the drug will not be absorbed in the stomach. It is also important to avoid intake of acidic beverages during and before chewing because they reduce the rate of nicotine absorption. Once one has started chewing the gum, they should not smoke because the game would have already provided the gum that the body is craving for. In case of an urge to relapse to smoking after the use of gum has been withdrawn, it is advisable to go back to chewing which is much safer.
3.The other core NRT product is the Nicotine Patch (available in drug strore). This is a medical patch that contains nicotine. It is applied on the skin and the drug is released continuously into the blood stream (Brannon, 2010). The patch is also bought as an over-the-counter medication but much attention is pointed towards seeking the advise of a physician. There might be some instances where doctors will advise against the use of patches for example where an individual has a cardiovascular disease or is under other medications that may not go well with Nicotine patches. The Nicotine released from the patch eliminates the need for an addict to continue smoking. A smoker also needs to take the initiative of stopping the habit since even without the Nicotine craving, the tendency to smoke is also behavioral and may be done out of mere habit. The patches differ in strength and smokers start with the strong ones and it is advisable to reduce the strength as time goes by and craving wears out. Patches are applied daily to the skin with alterations being made on the spot attached. It is worthy to note that craving may not stop on the spot but the effects of withdrawal symptoms will be reduced therefore making it easier for smokers who have taken a personal decision to stop smoking (Brannon, 2010)
The first step towards stopping smoking is the contemplation stage where an addict begins to appreciate the need to stop smoking. Here the smoker is still a habitual consumer of nicotine but this stage makes the start of the psychological preparation to quit smoking. The preparation stage then follows where the smoker makes the initiative to set a specific time and date when they anticipate to start the cessation program (Stritzke et al 2009). By this time, the individual would have chosen a Nicotine replacement product that they will opt for their program. The preparation stage completes the psychological part where the addict is now fully aware of what is required during the process and the side effects they are likely to endure. Having prepared themselves, the person then undertakes the Action stage where Nicotine replacement actually starts. The addict will now use the patch, gum or the other NRT products while avoiding cigarettes. Maintenance and Termination are the last step which should also be continuous (Stritzke et al 2009). The use of the products is continued until one is confident that they can resist smoking, that is when one can terminate the therapy, it is however advisable to go back to the action stage in the case of the urge to relapse.
Smoking cessation is an initiative that comes from within the smokers themselves. Other stakeholders like health care providers and the community at large also come in to offer support in terms of professional advice and motivation. Support groups also play a big role in helping the addicts in the form of building psychological strength to continue with cessation programs. The state should also come into campaigns to stop smoking. This is not only by banning and imposing disincentives such as heavy taxation but also by establishing state funded smoking cessation programs to help addicts.

Friday, 27 September 2013

MARCUS GARVEY; who is this man?

You have probably heard his name uttered in the middle of half-coherent Jamaican Reggea chants. So who is/was he? allow me to educate you. Born Marcus Garvey in st Ann's bay Jamaica in 1887, Marcus was to become a champion of the campaign for the repatriation of black africans back to Africa. He fought for blacks' voting rights and combated racial discrimination in America. He founded 'The black cross navigation and trading company' with a fleet of ship christened BLACK STAR LINER with the vision of shipping blacks back to Africa. Marcus Garvey would die in London on 10th june 1940. sadly for him,  he was not able to achieve his dream of African next time you hear "blxghy hytik khona vcdhjr MARCUS GARVEY bhsaj byfsa wagwan dghh wolan bwoh!"  in a Jamaican song, then they are probably paying tribute to him.


i am a soul
as soul in a hole
in this tomb i languish
in this storm i live in anguish.

Today i pulled my cart,
uphill back to start,
i rummaged through the murk,
in dumpsites, pits and sewers left my mark.

sundown back to my shack,
no food on the rack, just this bun.
belly burns i turn,
muscles ache, head bakes.

Through the hole in my roof,
i see the sky, does it see my eyes?
eyes too dry to cry they ask why?
silence...the rumble of the belly.

A prayer in ernest, holed in a nest,
my lips tremble, i sob,
i am a soul, a soul in the hole.


Free us,
let us walk,
free of the leash,

elease us,
unclog our paths,
free from the shackles.

Unchain us,
disentangle our souls,
let us relish the skies.

Unclench us,
let us flap our wings,
with care to the wind.

Unbind us,
give us sleep gratis,
ask no dime for our snores.


I stand to speak for the Cynic,
considered short of society's sanity standards,
those who would have been lynched,
but not one stood to pelt them.

i stand to speak for the workhorse,
the burden laden,
the bearer of income tax,
the donkeys of VAT.

i stand to speak for the doomed,
the damned,
the forgotten,
the trodden.

majority is not always right,
they are sometimes a mob,
exercising their right to be stupid,
as envisaged in the constitution.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

THE EMPEROR: CHE GUEVARA: what has he to do with fashion?

THE EMPEROR: CHE GUEVARA: what has he to do with fashion?: You have probably seen his image emblazoned on fashion apparel. The inscription of the words 'CHE' are conspicuously printed next t...

CHE GUEVARA: what has he to do with fashion?

You have probably seen his image emblazoned on fashion apparel. The inscription of the words 'CHE' are conspicuously printed next to his mugshot. the 90s kids will tell you he is a fashion icon and the 60s kids will probably dislike him for being a "gangster" image. who is CHE and why has he become a fashion icon?.. let me break it down for the dummies. Born Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna on June 14th 1928 in Rosario Santa Fe, Argentina he was later to be christened CHE. Guevara was a medical doctor who later came to be a Marxist revolutionary leading anti-imperialism uprising throughout south America. being a great orator, he attracted attention and pulled masses with his long liberation speeches. one of his close friends and equally famous revolutionary is Cuban Fidel Castro whom he helped into power. in an epic battle as a guerrilla leader, he lead 300 men to face thousands of well equipped forces of the then Cuban dictator Fulgencio Baptista. He flogged Baptista's forces like school boys and saw his ally Castro rise to power. he would however not live long enough to see the fruits of his hard Battle as he was shot on October 9th 0f 1967. He remains celebrated the world over for his bravery......that said, the 90s kids listen up, next time you don a CHE garment, remember he is more than fashion, he is a legend!. The star of CHE lives on

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Mortal man, but he owns some guts.
The fields of Iraq are heavily mined but still he walks,
tank shelling in Gaza but seated in his balcony sampling Cuban,
heavy gun fight mid Mogadishu,but his khat stores open,
selling to those whose barrels are still warm.
Lions roam the ranch,
but away he whistles admiring his bulls.
mortal? maybe,
but a coward?...NO!!

Friday, 20 September 2013


The Emperor and the fools
The impeccable sense stood written,
In the dusk of the crystals that lay broken,
And yet the triumph was never sung,
The unarchs never feasted with the emperor,
Her highness with valor mingles not with the neutured,
The sterile hopes of of the dust dwellers.

Yet dawn lay far from dusk,
Struggling to outwit themselves in stampede,
The duel with their own hooves,
Trampling under their own confusion,
As her highness watched from the throne,
Woven from their sweat and decorated by their blood.

It is still long before dusk
Before the rain soaks their ignorance,
Before the sun dries their dripping stupidity,
And yet the emperor still sits
With a goblet in hand,
Emptying the casks,
As the fools trample in a show.