Thursday, 26 September 2013

CHE GUEVARA: what has he to do with fashion?

You have probably seen his image emblazoned on fashion apparel. The inscription of the words 'CHE' are conspicuously printed next to his mugshot. the 90s kids will tell you he is a fashion icon and the 60s kids will probably dislike him for being a "gangster" image. who is CHE and why has he become a fashion icon?.. let me break it down for the dummies. Born Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna on June 14th 1928 in Rosario Santa Fe, Argentina he was later to be christened CHE. Guevara was a medical doctor who later came to be a Marxist revolutionary leading anti-imperialism uprising throughout south America. being a great orator, he attracted attention and pulled masses with his long liberation speeches. one of his close friends and equally famous revolutionary is Cuban Fidel Castro whom he helped into power. in an epic battle as a guerrilla leader, he lead 300 men to face thousands of well equipped forces of the then Cuban dictator Fulgencio Baptista. He flogged Baptista's forces like school boys and saw his ally Castro rise to power. he would however not live long enough to see the fruits of his hard Battle as he was shot on October 9th 0f 1967. He remains celebrated the world over for his bravery......that said, the 90s kids listen up, next time you don a CHE garment, remember he is more than fashion, he is a legend!. The star of CHE lives on

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